Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) / BROWZ / STI FireStop
The Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA)
The Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) was incorporated in the State of Massachusetts in 2001 and consists of stakeholders in the building enclosure industry. Such stakeholders include manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, architects, engineers, contractors, researchers, testing & audit agencies, consultants and building owners. ABAA is focused on leading the industry into the future in a progressive and professional manner. We are the national voice of the air barrier industry in America.
As state energy code requirements become more and more stringent; driven by factors such as green house gas production, the need for more energy efficient heating and cooling systems, dwindling natural resources, the long term effects of mold and mildew and an ever more environmentally conscious public, ABAA’s role as the National Voice of the air barrier industry is becoming increasingly apparent.
The association seeks to raise the standard of proficiency in the industry through the ABAA On-Site Qualit y Assurance Program , based on the principles outlined in ISO 9000. ABAA will continue to play a pivotal role in the education, lobbying and marketing of the industry to government, the professional community, building owners, utilities and other industry stakeholders. ABAA is also dedicated to furthering continuing education in the industry. ABAA offers premier training to installers, estimators, managers and administrators on the contractor side, as well as AIA accr edited courses for design professionals.

WeatherSealed Incorporated is a proud member of Browz. As a Browz-compliant company, we are able to assure customers of a top notch safety program and implementation. With Browz participation, WeatherSealed demonstrates its intention to provide outstanding safety and quality for many years to come.

STI FireStop
WeatherSealed Incorporated has on staff, certified Firestop installers and inspectors. Our staff has been trained and certified by STI incorporated (Specified Technologies incorporated).