Industrial Thermo Polymer Limited

Tundra Foam is an ideal non-gassing backup material that is inserted into construction and pavement joints to control sealant depth. This creates a backstop to facilitate accurate sealant tooling and configuration. It also permits proper sealant airing, yielding a quality bond breaker between the backup material and the sealant. Tundra Foam is suitable for expansion and contraction joints, window glazing, curtain wall joints, partitions, precast units and copings, parking decks, bridge construction, etc. Tundra Foam is made of a basically inert material. It is compatible both chemically and physically with virtually all known hot pour and cold applied sealants, including silicone and rubber asphalt.
HOT ROD XL is an ideal compressible and non-absorbent backup material that is inserted into a joint to control sealant depth. This creates a backstop to facilitate accurate sealant tooling and proper sealant wetting of the joint surfaces, yielding a quality bond breaker between the backup material and the sealant. HOT ROD XL can also be used as a temporary joint seal. HOT ROD XL is suitable for use in contraction and expansion joints of concrete highways, runways, driveways and parking lots. HOT ROD XL is compatible with most hot pour sealants, rubber-asphalt and coal tar-rubber polymer thermoplastic compounds up to a maximum temperature of 410 degrees F.